Back-story: I grew up i a very dysfunctional family of divorce, anger, and much confusion. Growing up I was abused…from the ages of 5-14. My parents would not believe me…This grew silence, hatred, loneliness, and depression.The Friday before you came I had written two letters…and had my suicide planned out for the following day. That night…my friend begged me to come to…where the Word of Life group was going to be.
I thank God for bringing my friend into my life and your [ministry] team at that exact time! It was there I learned about how God does not hold me accountable to things that were done to me and how His love and forgiveness is greater than anything I’d ever known! What a weight lifted!
That weekend I re-dedicated my life to Christ and the following year I went to the Bible Institute and was able to talk with someone about my past…
I just wanted to thank you for your ministry and allowing God to use you to change lives!”